Be sure to check back frequently to be updated on special events at the patch! Our calendar is updated daily.
Scare Crow Contest!
This year we partnered with Kristina Wiley DDS to support our local first responders + their service to our community! As you walk through the plaza, you can see our Scarecrow Fields courtesy of local businesses! Thank you to everyone who participated in this great cause!
Opening Day!
September 23, 2023 | 9:00AM
Come celebrate the kick off of the 2022 season with us!
Field of Dreams Country BBQ
September 23, 2023 | 4:00PM
Join us for Solano Family First Responders' Annual Field of Dreams Country BBQ Fundraiser! There will be live music by Luke and Kaylee and amazing BBQ by Kinder's Meats. Tickets can be purchased at Eventbrite.com. Head over to www.solanofamilyfirstresponders.com for more info.